Force Fields
Jeanne Masoero admits to a need to communicate, to speak with her work, so the relationship between image, audience and artist is key. Yet the whole process of working, of making something exist, piece by piece, creates a relationship to real time which in turn reflects a very particular relationship with the image. It is exceptionally comforting to understand the limits of a work, to see its edge, and yet know that within lies a mass of change, strong shifts, and even a journey.
The work touches on the ability of abstract painting to establish an ambiguous relation to scale. It is true that the loch seen from the top of a mountain is roughly the equivalent of the puddle by the swings in the playground. It is true, also, that the repeated action, movement, mark-making can extend to seem like the whole idea in itself as well as a sample, swatch, of something else. The minutia of scientific language is made visual and a topographical over-view, as well, pulls the detail in and out of prominence. The view of the invisible made visible down the microscope, a map with varying perspectives in an understood relationship with the surface of the earth.
A Survey by Sacha Craddock, JEANNE MASOERO: A SURVEY, published by Lund Humprhies, 2002